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Research Librarians at the Li Ka Shing Library perform multifunctional roles in the areas of collection, information, learning, research and outreach. In this presentation, participants will learn more about the information and learning roles where the former includes the provision of reference and information services and the latter involves the design, development and delivery of instruction and information literacy programmes as part of their student and faculty engagement strategy. They will also learn more about the library’s grounded service offering through a learning roadmap for every student which encompasses the following components: Matriculation [Orientation] > In Class Instruction [Information Literacy] > Research Consultations [Small Group Facilitation] > Thematic Training [Topical Knowledge]. In mid-2014, a library space transformation project became a surprise catalyst for change management impacting the Reference and Information Service (R&IS) where a new service model of a single desk replaced the separate information desks. This also warranted the team to start thinking about an enhanced service offering given the declining number of enquiries and upskilling of the para-professionals. Research Librarians were doing more in class instruction and information literacy sessions for courses and the amount of Research Consultations began to increase as a result. The presenter will share a personal case study how he curates a Research Consultation for a writing class for the Centre for English Communication (CEC) that forms a nexus between the information literacy session and R&IS. He will elaborate upon Wayne Bivens-Tatum’s (2011) blog posting in which the latter noted that “I tend to think of a research consultation as something in between a standard reference transaction and an instruction session” – an ensuing discussion calling for the need to revisit the Research Consultation as part of R&IS. Scaffolding this, they will hear how through collaboration a new co-location service with the Communication Coaches from the CEC shared the then Information Desk with the Research Librarians and provided the students with a one-stop service within the library. Results from a review of this service will help participants identify practical tips for their own institutions. The presenter will close with parting thoughts on the need to start correlating and triangulating services and data to demonstrate the value and impact of information literacy and instructional classes on reference enquiries where evidence using analytics from self-help tools such as Research Guides, FAQs and online courses in the learning management system help us in our thinking about, we are teaching, but are they learning? and the measurement-value-impact conversation which has already started at the Li Ka Shing Library.


information literacy, academic libraries, learning, instruction, case study, Singapore Management University


Asian Studies | Information Literacy


IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 15-21 August 2015

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