Publication Type

Conference Poster

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InK, the institutional repository of the Singapore Management University (SMU) was officially launched in January 2011 with 7,000 metadata records for SMU research publications, only 600 of which was full text. The Library uses a variety of strategies to increase the number of full text papers and to raise awareness about Open Access amongst the faculty. SMU’s Open Access policy was approved by the University’s Research Council and promulgated by the Vice-Provost, Research to the community a year ago. The Library pulls the data from the University’s Research Publications System, an in-house platform, to capture faculty publications. This ensures that the records of SMU faculty publications are regularly entered in InK. The poster will demonstrate the growth of InK as well as the different channels used for awareness raising, promotion and strategic alliances for example with Deans of the Schools, the Research Office and others. We also explore the value of the repository from the perspective of our faculty. InK has grown a great deal in the past three years to over 13,000 records of which 3,000 are full-text. Full-text paper downloads in the last 12 months is almost 200,000. Hence, we had some successes in increasing both the metadata records and the full-text papers.


InK, institutional repository, strategies to increase full text, growth in full text, open access policy


Scholarly Communication


Asian Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing

City or Country

Bangkok, Thailand

Embargo Period

