Publication Type

PhD Dissertation



Publication Date



The most popular form of third-party market cooperation is an innovative international economic and trade cooperation model initiated by China under the context of the “Belt and Road” initiative nowadays. Although China and France, as non-state actors, have actively promoted trilateral cooperation and improved various agreements, the trilateral countries have not achieved effective resource complementarity due to differences in political and economic systems and goals, resulting in high complexity in the cooperation process.

Therefore, the research topic of this study is dedicated to addressing this pain point and assisting Chinese enterprises in leveraging third-party markets to expand overseas business under the context of the “Belt and Road” initiative. This article conducts an in-depth study of the case of the Gwadar Port, starting from the perspectives of resource view and resource dependence. It analyzes the investment model, project risks, and solutions of trilateral cooperation based on a single case. In response to the pain points such as talent shortage, insufficient market demand, and geopolitical conflicts, detailed strategies are proposed with the aim of promoting effective cooperation in the trilateral market from its root causes.

Finally, this study summarizes the challenges and solutions for the sustainable development of trilateral cooperation. When facing the high complexity of multi-party cooperation, it is necessary to establish and improve institutional mechanisms based on resource dependence as the foundation of third-party market cooperation. Feasibility studies should be strengthened, and based on complementary advantages, joint development of the African market should be pursued.


Trilateral Public-Private Partnership, Resource Dependence Theory, Resource-based View, Overseas Trilateral Cooperation

Degree Awarded

Doctor of Business Admin


Finance | Strategic Management Policy


TAN, Wee Liang

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Singapore Management University

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